Good news to all those out there who don’t like Halloween or art or Halloween art or just my particular Halloween art in general…. You don’t have to ignore these any more because today is the last day of Drawlloween 2016 in Inktober!! Day 30 is: SKULLS AND SKELETONS Day […]
Day 28 calls for: GHOSTS A GO GO Day 29 specifies: BLACK CATURDAY The go-go dancers implied in this prompt necessitated some early 60s dance moves and surroundings for the spirits. To complete the crossover in the sketchbook spread, I decided on “cat” as a slang term for a cool […]
Combined with Day 26, which is: THEY CAME FROM OUTER SPACE! Day 27 is: CALL OF C’THURSDAY! Matt Groening’s Kang and Kodos won’t be laughing at the foolish Earthlings once H.P. Lovecraft’s cosmic old one gets hold of them.
Days 8 and 9 of Drawlloween 2016 are: “Eight Legs, One Thousand Eggs” and “He’s a Dummy, Doll.” Trying to connect these two really specific prompts was a bit tricky. I decided to go with a “Charlotte’s Web” theme on the first, with all of Charlotte’s spider babies hatching out of […]