The Haunted Hard Drive Okay, so I went with an old 3.5″ “floppy” diskette (not as old as the actually floppy 5.25″ floppy disks that preceded it, but still old) as the monster here, rather than an actual hard drive, but I’m assuming that the components of several old computers […]
Day 18 of Caricature Resolution 2018 challenge is: BRUCE LEE Back to an ink-heavy, cartoon style today for yet another pun-tastic take on the challenge. I took Mr. Lee in his iconic :Enter The Dragon” look and rethought the name of the movie as a more literal interpretation. The plot […]
Day 17 of Caricature Resolution 2018 calls for a caricature of: DAVID CARRADINE The titular star of Kill Bill was the subject, but I had to go with a reference to his character Kwai Chang Caine, and the line he seemed to repeat each episode, from the 1970s TV show, “Kung […]
DRAWLLOWEEN 2017 , Day 7 is: COBWEB CRAWLERS The suggestion of spiders was a given, but I wanted a twist on top, that was not just the usual scary spider in a web. Coming up with another meaning for crawler, kind of stumped me in terms of a comedic twist, […]