Drawlloween 2017, Day 21 is: CADAVEROUS COWBOYS How could I draw anyone for this but the increasingly cadaverous-looking, but still cool, Clint Eastwood in the Man with No Body role?
Drawlloween 2017
Drawlloween 2017 Day 20 is: DR JEKYL AND MR. FRIDAY I don’t know if Jekyll was spelled that way on purpose or not, but I decided to go with the usual spelling from the book Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I already used up all the Friday jokes on Friday […]
Drawlloween 2017 Day 19 is: NIGHTMARE NOMADS So, nightmares, dreams, I was wanting to put noted dream theory pioneers Sigmund Freud and his protege, Karl Jung in there (since the plural of the prompt suggested more than one) and the goto antagonist for nightmare horror is, of course, Nightmare on […]
Drawlloween 2017 – Day 18 is: CRYPT CREEPS Having already come up with similar themes for “Return from the Dead” and “Tombsday” already this year, it was difficult to be too original with the crypt creeps prompt. I knew the obvious one would be the “Crypt-Keeper” but I tried to […]
Day 17 of #Drawlloween2017 is: TOADSday …. so here’s a mashup of Futurama and Fantasyland with Hypnotoad as Mr. Frog from Disney’s version of The Wind in the Willows and the ride that still exists in Disneyland, but sadly, not in Disney World any longer.
Drawlloween2017 day 16 is: CARNIVAL CARNAGE If you ride this, the yolks on you. I had a hard time coming up with something for this because I feel like I used up all my “carnival” themed jokes last year on the “Mummy Monday” and “Carnival Creeps” days of Drawlloween 2016. […]
Drawlloween 2017 Day 15 is: CORNFIELD CAPERS Since I already did a scary cornfield with various scary versions of iconic scarecrows last year, I went a different direction this year, kind of in keeping with what seems to be a theme of recontextualizing non-horror pop culture into a more macabre, […]
#drawlloween2017 day 14 is OWL BE BACK … and the Tootsie Pop version of #sarahconnor speaks for me the first time I saw #theterminator and couldn’t believe how many times it took to kill it. #owl #howmanylicksdoesittake?
Drawlloween 2017 day 13 is: FRIDAY THE 13TH Well, that would be the appropriate choice, of course, but also kind of specific when we all are expecting the Jason Voorhees character from the movie franchise of the same name. I wanted to honor that again this year, but how to […]
Drawlloween 2017 Day 12 is: AH! REEL MONSTERS! Acknowledging the pun, but still taking it literally, I used the characters from Nickelodeon’s “Aaahh! Real Monsters!” 90s cartoon and portrayed them as the classic Universal movie “reel” monsters from the movies Frankenstein, Dracula, The Wolfman and The Creature from the Black Lagoon. […]