“Pumpkin up the Jams” Only thing that jumped to mind was to do a pumpkin version of the 1990 Technotronic video for the “Pump up the Jam” song, so, here you go:
Drawlloween 2018
“My Dentist is a Shapeshifter!” For some reason, today’s prompt just sounded like the title of one of those Judy Blume books for young women and then the thought of such a genre being mixed with the supernatural horror of a dentist who shapes his limbs into the dental tools […]
“Moonmen from Mercury” Today’s seemingly contradictory prompt made me think of those 50s sci-fi movies, so I tried to do this one as a poster that might have been made for such a non-existent film. To be accurate to the style, I would have done it in a more painted, […]
“Insects in the City” the Drawlloween2018 day 8 prompt is a pun for the HBO series, “Sex in the City” but I focused more on the Insects, than I did trying to make parallels to that show or its themes. Plus, it gave me a chance to re-use the three insects […]
“Lights, Camera, Axes” A more painterly style today led to less time to think up a funnier concept than the obvious axe guy, Jack Torrance, from The Shining.
Me. Myself, and A.I. Probably me taking the prompt too literally again, but I can’t help myself, or me either.
“Dude, where’s your shadow?” Going both Disney and Francis Ford Coppola to find two book/film characters who had shadows that moved around independently of themselves and what happened when they switched places one night.
“Don’t look now, Mom’s a Werewolf!” This one seems pretty self-explanatory. Choosing to go with the old 40s/50s depiction of “mom” and family juxtaposed well with the horror theme, I thought.
Today’s Prompt: The Whisper of Waterfront Wharf This year’s Drawlloween calendar of prompts has some very specific titles. That’s an aspect I rather enjoy over something more vague, like, say: “cat” or something. Others may find it more stifling creatively, or be puzzled by them, as I confess I was […]
The Haunted Hard Drive Okay, so I went with an old 3.5″ “floppy” diskette (not as old as the actually floppy 5.25″ floppy disks that preceded it, but still old) as the monster here, rather than an actual hard drive, but I’m assuming that the components of several old computers […]