Thanks to Asheville Aerial Arts for another wonderful gig for the fine people at Hawthorne apartments. This year it was a Halloween event at the Hawthorne Southside location, and here are some of the spooky caricatures that “The Dark Knight” was able to provide for the residents there:
At the historic Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC, fellow caricature artist, Brian Vasilik and I drew several attendees of the NC Trucking Association conference being held there, here are some photos:
I drew caricatures at two local Artisan Markets with Blue Ridge Artisan Markets this spring. One on April 28, 2024 at Cognative Brew House, and one at Packa’s Place on Mother’s Day, May, 12, 2024. Both in bucolic Horse Shoe, NC. Here are some photos from them both:
Thanks to the Cliffs Communities and Asheville Aerial Arts for another great time drawing caricatures at a wonderful event in Traveler’s Rest, SC! Here are some photos of the caricatures, and the event:
Once again, I was able to complete the monthlong drawing challenge from ISCA on Facebook, known as “Caricature Resolution” to draw a list of people in caricature, one each day, for the month of January. Here is the list, and my completed caricature attempts of each one:
A great group of folks at Canton Middle School were the subjects of this round of caricatures just before they let out for the winter holidays:
Another wedding reception in need of caricatures for the guests and attendees. This time at Highland Lake Inn in Flat Rock, NC:
The night was filled with masques and the ornate and ancient Masonic Temple was the place for me to draw caricatures of the attendees:
Today’s #dog #caricature drawings up on #PackSquareParkingGarage for #PupsandPints benefit for the Humane Society #petcaricatures #dogcaricatures
Pet (and some people) caricatures today at the Blessing of the Pets, included the usual dogs, and cat, but also a leopard gecko and two rats. A good time was had by all!