Team Stand-ns

Sometimes, your action figure collection of specific teams is incomplete, because the toy companies did not yet,
or never will, make all the team members. Here are some ideas for stand-ins to place in your action figure display
until you can get the actual team member in action figure form:

Orange Lantern Corps leader, Larfleeze (not available from DCUC yet and too expensive to get DCD version)
to go with DCUC Orange Lantern Luthor: Use a Lion King Pumbaa figure instead!

Red Lantern Corps custom idea: Take extra Red Lantern bodies and add Tomatoes or other produce for heads!


Still missing a LEAD to complete the DCUC Metal Men team? Take some authentic lead weights off your SCUBA diving belt and add googly eyes!



No realistically-proportioned Pulp Fiction action figures yett? Reunite the cast yourself using existing figures of the actors in different roles.

(in that vein, also see this action figure tip)