A great group of folks at Canton Middle School were the subjects of this round of caricatures just before they let out for the winter holidays:
Yearly Archives: 2023
Another wedding reception in need of caricatures for the guests and attendees. This time at Highland Lake Inn in Flat Rock, NC:
This week’s issue of the local alt-weekly paper in Asheville, NC, The Mountain Xpress contains a story on local alcohol-free establishments, and I was commissioned to draw the cover for it. Here are some of my initial cover ideas, along with the art for the cover, and how the printed […]
That’s a wrap for my participation in the month-long, daily drawing challenge with Halloween-themed prompts for me to draw something for. Here is the gallery of all the days I did:
The night was filled with masques and the ornate and ancient Masonic Temple was the place for me to draw caricatures of the attendees:
Today’s #dog #caricature drawings up on #PackSquareParkingGarage for #PupsandPints benefit for the Humane Society #petcaricatures #dogcaricatures
Pet (and some people) caricatures today at the Blessing of the Pets, included the usual dogs, and cat, but also a leopard gecko and two rats. A good time was had by all!
Man, I saw that Brian Soria had announced last year that 2022 would be the last of his Drawlloween daily drawing challenge that I have taken part in since 2015 (due, he said, to the uphill battle to get past social media algorithms that keep unpaid, unboosted content from being […]
Drew caricatures at a quarterly event for residents of the Hawthorn apartments in South Asheville off Mils Gap Road.