Day 21 of this daily caricature drawing challenge for the month of January shows that Sofia Coppola, the director who is daughter to director Francis Ford Coppola, is the subject for the day. In continuing to try out different styles of drawing/painting and caricaturing, I went with a more exaggerated […]
Monthly Archives: January 2020
Day 20 of the 2020 version of Caricature Resolution calls for another actor kid of a famous actor, in this case, Star Trek star, Chris Pine, son of CHiPs star, Robert Pine. Just to be lazy, I reused a William Shatner body I already did for a Drawlloween illustration a […]
Day 19 o f this challenge was listed as “Stella McCartney” the fashion designer offspring of Paul and Linda McCartney. I was not familiar with her face at all, so I went with a rare, full body drawing and tried to do it in one of those elongated fashion drawing […]
Day 18 of Caricature Resolution 2020, famous offspring edition, calls for the singer son of singer Julio Iglesias, Enrique. I went with a comic style on this one and even made it into a comic panel. It got the usual tepid response from the CR2020 Facebook group, but at least […]
The day 17 subject for caricature is Zoe Kravitz, the beautiful, high-cheekbones actress daughter of beautiful, high-cheekboned parents: actress Lisa Bonet and singer Lenny Kravitz (which would make her the grand-daughter of Roxie Roker, neighbor and in-law of George Jefferson). Going back to a more realistic art style with this […]
Day 15 of “Caricature Resolution 2020” has for the subject, the daughter of actress Tippi Hedren, of “The Birds” fame, and the mother of actress Dakota Johnson of “Fifty Shades of Gray” fame, Melanie Griffith. Maybe getting to the halfway point of the challenge has left me burned out, but […]
Day 14 is son of Gloria Vanderbilt, CNN talking head, Anderson Cooper. I was going to go the usual, barely-exaggerated, cartoonish portrait, rather than an real caricature route with this one, but decided to try for a more geometric style. I started out sort of Picasso-ish, but by the time […]
Actress Anjelica Huston is a daughter of director John Huston and grand-daughter of actor Walter Huston, and she is the day 13 prompt subject of the January caricature challenge called “Caricature Resolution 2020”. She has a great features for caricaturing, so the the only dilemma was choosing which stage of […]
The Caricature Resolution 2020, day 12, prompt calendar calls for drawing the son of Clint Eastwood, namely, or maybe, man-with-no-namely, Scott Eastwood: He really does look a lot like the young version of his dad, Clint. So doing a caricature of him and not having it look like his famous […]