Various things from Brent Brown, if you just want graphics, visit
Various things from Brent Brown, if you just want graphics, visit

Björk Caricatüre

Day 24 of Caricature Resolution 2019 calls for drawing the Icelandic singer, Bjørk. After going cartoony for so many in this challenge, I went back to a more fully-rendered painting style. I was happy with the degree of exaggeration I was able to get and retain a likeness, but I think that is due to the abundant identifiable features of the subject. (My Michelle Yeoh from yesterday was so bad that I’m not even going to put it up here.)

Singer Bjork, caricatured by Brent Brown ©2019
I used this reference photo, but I wanted to use one of her more idiosyncratic hair styles, so I combined it with a different hairdo.

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