Day 20 of Caricature Resolution 2018 is: TUPAC SHAKUR Keeping the painterly technique for today’s illustration, I once again failed at going big on exaggeration. I started out trying to overemphasize things like hat, nose, mouth, but as I kept resizing other elements to retain the likeness, I. Managed to […]
Yearly Archives: 2018
Day 19 of the 31-day drawing challenge to do a caricature a day known as Caricature Resolution 2018 is: MUHAMMAD AL Today I went with a painterly style in Procreate on the iPad Pro, doing the whole thing using just the Niko Roll brush. Something I would not normally think […]
Day 18 of Caricature Resolution 2018 challenge is: BRUCE LEE Back to an ink-heavy, cartoon style today for yet another pun-tastic take on the challenge. I took Mr. Lee in his iconic :Enter The Dragon” look and rethought the name of the movie as a more literal interpretation. The plot […]
Day 17 of Caricature Resolution 2018 calls for a caricature of: DAVID CARRADINE The titular star of Kill Bill was the subject, but I had to go with a reference to his character Kwai Chang Caine, and the line he seemed to repeat each episode, from the 1970s TV show, “Kung […]
Day 16 of Caricature Resolution 2018 calls for a caricature of: ADAM WEST This isn’ much of a caricature, but since I knew everyone would be drawing him as Batman, his most iconic role, I wanted to do something different, and besides, if you draw him with the cowl on, […]
Day 15 of Caricature Resolution 2018 is: GENE WILDER Using the hilarious “Frederick Frankenstein” or “Froderick Fronkensteen” character he played in Mel Brook’s classic “Young Frankenstein” film is a great reason to do a caricature in black and white charcoal.
Day 14 of Caricature Resolution 2018 is: ALAN RICKMAN I loved his portrayal of Severus Snape as much as the next Potter-fan, but to me, his defining role is Die Hard’s Hans Gruber! YippieKiYay Harry Potter!!!
Day 13 of CARICATURE RESOLUTION decrees the subject of caricature tor the day to be: CHRISTOPHER LEE Another actor with a resumé of memorable characters, making the choic of which to draw difficult. Count Dooku from Star Wars and Saruman from Lord of the Rings both had beards (and even […]
Day 12 of the 30-day challenge to do a caricature a day know as CARICATURE RESOLUTION 2018 is: AALIYAH Dana Haughton Not being as familiar with today’s deceased celebrity subject, I had to look up to remember that Aaliyah was a singer/actress whose plane crashed in the Bahamas over a […]
Caricature Resolution 2018, Day 11 and the subject is: JOHN LENNON The challenge may be wearing on me some. I just couldn’t get into this one and spend a lot of time. My weekly cartoon is due tomorrow, so I probably won’t get into the next one either. However, here […]