“Elevator to Dimension X”
This one immediately brought to mind a Twilight Zone episode. Maybe because of the elevator-themed Twilight Zone Tower of Terror ride at Disney World’s Hollywood Studios (I hear the one at Disneyland was changed into a Guardians of the Galaxy ride instead). Regardless of why I did it, here is what I did. I colored it at first, planning to convey it to grayscale to mimic the look of the old TV show. Then I found so many cool filters to use on it, that I had a hard time choosing. Here are two and the original:

Oh, also, I wanted something “X” related in the elevator. All I could think of was the X-men, but didn’t want to confuse the issue with superheroes, so I subtly filled the lift with civilian versions of two different Charles Xaviers and two different Jean Greys from the various movie versions.