31st and final day of Caricature Resolution is:
Looks like I made it through another month-long challenge! I was able to get the prompted subject drawn each day, thanks to my iPad Pro and Apple Pencil and plenty of TV to have on in the background while doodling away each evening. These challenges are a great way to force myself to work on things I would not normally do without a paying client deadline, or at least a specific project. I wanted to push my comfort zone of exaggeration and to some (but not nearly as much as I would have liked) degree, I was able to. I also tried different styles and “media” if you can count choosing different media for the digital stylus to emulate as different.
Some of the results I was happy with (until I went online to the Caricature Resolution 2018 Facebook group and saw how other artists had approached the same subject, some of them quite stunning, then I was not that pleased with my efforts. That’s the double edge of being part of a group of very talented artists. Their work can inspire you at the same time it can deflate you. But deflated egos are probably a good thing, lest we get too full of ourselves to the detriment of seeking improvement.
Here’s my Amy Winehouse, along with a collage of the whole 31 deceased celebrity caricatures for the month of January. Have a good rest of the year, I probably will not be taking part in another challenge until Drawlloween comes around in October!